Assignment 1 Submission 2: Critical Reflection
At the beginning of the module, we were all tasked to set two goals that we would want to achieve from the course of this module. That’s where I began to reflect back on the times where I had lacked proper communication which in turn put forth the wrong intentions. One of the main causes were due to my speech being too direct and I failed to include important details that would properly convey the entire intention of my conversation. That was where critical thinking frameworks like Rodger’s Reflective Cycle, Natasha Kenny’s Critical Reflection Process came in handy, and I was amazed by how critical thinking is actually more than just deep-thinking itself. Critical thinking has principles and proper flow cycles to help build clarity, logical development and systematic thinking. Being lucky enough to be chosen to present on the Dewey’s Model of Reflective Thought and Action on the 3rd week of the class, it was then that I learnt how to process my thoughts better, build reasons to suppo...